Full Name: Alexander James McLean
Birthdate : January 9, 1978
Birthplace : West Palm Beach, Fla.
Sign : Capricorn
Siblings : None
Nickname : Bone
Height : 5'9"
Pets : Two black and white Shih Tzu dogs named Panda (that's my dogs name) and Bear
Favorite Color : Yellow and I heard Purple
Favorite Food : McDonald's
Favorite Movie : Pulp Fiction
Favorite TV Show : "Seinfeld"
Favorite Star : Dustin Hoffman
Favorite Cologne : Joop for Men
Favorite Foreign City : Paris
Favorite School Subject : English
Pastimes : Dancing, backetball, golf, bowling, writing poetry, shopping, shooting pool, drawing
Car : Ford Explorer
Embarrasing Moment: Once on stage, he almost ran of the end of a runway and had to stop himself. He landed on his rear end,
really hard, in front of 30.000 people!
Secrets:When they're touring, He bring his own pillow, CD player and a Beany Baby dog.
His hair caught fire during some pyrotechnics in a show.
Misical Instrument : Bass guiter
Fave Songs on Millennium : "Don't Want You Back", "Larger Than Life", "Perfect Fan"
Ect. : His favorite chocalate bar is Hershey's Cookies 'n Cream
He lost a buddy who drowned after drinking
He once got locked in an elevator
He likes to design his own style in clothes and jewelry
He said he is one of the spoiled-est only children you could ever find. Bless their hearts!
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