Full Name: Brian Thomas Littrell
Birthdate : February 20, 1975 (My brother's b-day)
Birthplace : Lexington, KY
Sign : Pisces
Siblings : Older brother Harold
Nickname : B-Rok (He got the name bacause of the way he rocks on the b-ball court), Mr. Joker, Seaver
Height : 5'8"
Pets : Li'l Tyke, a Chihuahua (I'm jealous-I want one)
Favorite Color : Midnight Blue
Favorite Food : Macaroni and Cheese
Favorite Movie : Star Wars
Favorite TV Show : "SportsCenter"
Favorite Star : Tom Hanks, Sandra Bullock
Favorite Cologne : Safari by Ralph Lauren
Favorite Foreign City :
Favorite Sports : Golf basketball, tennis
Favorite School Subject:
Worst Habit : Biting his nails
Secrets: He was popular as a kid. He was known as 'that blond-headed little singer boy'!
He was held back in the first grade because of his illness (at age five). He was always a year older then his friends
after that.
He is usually shy until he gets to know a person, then he turn into a ham
Car : BMW
Musical Instrument : Trumpet
Fave Song on Backstreet Boys : "Don't Leave Me"
Fave Songs on Millennium : "Dont Wanna Lose You Know", "Larger Than Life", "Perfect Fan"
Ect. : The other boys say that he will be the first to get married
Self-centered people drive him crazy, also unhappy people
He kicked one of his shoes off during a fast dance routine and had to hop around on one food until Kevin
made his way accros stage to get it for him. The show must go on!
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